
In the Body of Christ there exists a wonderful variety of ministries, which are especially evident when we gather around the altar to worship God. By virtue of our baptism in Christ some of us are called to serve as Sacristans.

The Sacristan prepares and oversees the articles and elements required for the Liturgy so that all the members of the worshipping community can take their full, conscious and active part in the liturgical celebration. The sacristan knows the meaning and purpose of the liturgy as well as the needs of the particular liturgical assembly, and works carefully to provide the members with the liturgical items needed for a meaningful, prayerful, and active celebration.

The church building must be opened and lit, cleaned and decorated for the celebration. Bread and wine must be in place, vessels and vestments available, linens in order, seating arrangements made, microphones set, books and candles set out. Just an example of some of the duties that are performed diligently for the celebration of Mass by our Sacristans.

The sacristan carefully arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things necessary in the celebration of Mass. Under the general direction of the clergy, they undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. The sacristan in harmony with the clergy makes sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and cermonial objects are kept in good condition.

Other practical indications are that the sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available. There should be a ready supply of fresh hosts and of duly authorized wine, sufficient clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals. He or she also makes sure that the sanctuary lamp is always lit. In order to carry out these duties, the sacristan needs to have a fairly good idea of the content and norms of the principal liturgical books and an understanding of the intricacies of the liturgical calendar. A good sacristan is a boon to any parish.

Sacristan's Duties:
  • An officer who is charged with the care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents.
  • The sacristan, who carefully arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things necessary in the celebration of Mass. The sacristan thus arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches.
  • He or she also takes care of the ringing of bells that announce the celebrations. The sacristan should ensure the observance of silence in the sacristy.
  • The sacristan in harmony with the pastor to also make sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition and, if necessary, sent for gilding or repair.
  • Practical indications apart from these official recommendations are that the sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available. There should be a ready supply of fresh hosts and of duly authorized wine, sufficient clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals.
  • The sacristan is responsible for making sure that those who wash the altar linens do so according to the indications of the missal and that the water for the first wash is poured down the sacrarium or to the earth. The sacristan also takes care of burning old linens and other objects that are no longer suitable for liturgical use.
  • He or she also makes sure that the sanctuary lamp has sufficient oil, that the altar cloths are changed regularly, and that the holy water stoups are clean and replenished frequently.
  • The pastor may also decide to entrust other responsibilities to the sacristan. This might include coordinating others who help with the general decor of the church, such as cleaners and flower arrangers. The sacristan might also maintain the practical dealings with external agents such as funeral directors and photographers so that proper decorum is maintained at all times.

In order to carry out these duties, the sacristan needs to have a fairly good idea of the content and norms of the principal liturgical books and an understanding of the intricacies of the liturgical calendar. Contact Huy Tran.