Altar Servers

The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish offers young Catholics opportunity to grow in their faith and become more active in the Mass by serving as altar servers. Altar servers assist the priest and deacon during Mass. It is a great honor and privilege to serve at the altar of the Lord.

Blessed Sacrament Altar Serving Ministry is a collaboration of parish, parents and children. We focus on the understanding that altar serving is a ministry: parent, child and parish serving God. The success of our ministry has been attributed to the support of the parents, the dedication and sacrifices of our young boys and girls. Altar servers are trained to perform their tasks accordingly and solemnly with dignity and reverence.

In addition to serving the Mass, we also give opportunities to our young servers to excel on their talents by training them to be good leaders. We hold group planned fun activities, such as the annual Christmas party honoring the altar servers’ dedication and services.

We have 3 different categories of servers: beginners, team leaders and head altar servers. Altar servers in each category are assigned different responsibilities and duties during the Mass. Head altar server leadership team carries out all our training sessions, group planned activities, scheduling and communications. To become eligible for altar serving, boys or girls need to be at least in 3rd grade and have received First Holy Communion. Parents are required to fill out an application and attend the initial orientation. Altar servers are required to serve Sunday Masses regularly, either once a week or every other week. In addition, we also assign weekday and/or Saturday Masses on periodic basis.

To inquire about the Altar Serving Ministry, please email

Our parish is deeply grateful for the service and dedication of our altar servers.